
Monday, 15 April 2019

14 April 2019

Finlay is now 22 months old!

Just a few reflections this week on dog showing.....We said that this year we would not do as many shows as we did last year when we were trying to get Finlay's Junior Warrant, and it doesn't look like we have been entirely successful on that front. But the main thing is we are all still enjoying the experience. Since the last blog post about Cruft's we've done a couple of open shows and most recently the Crystal Palace Open show at South of England showground at Ardingly.

We like to enter Finlay into both the breed classes and some other classes, either AV/AVNSC or a Stakes class or two. If you are travelling 1 to 2 hours (or more) to get to a show, it seems a shame to go all that way just for one class. Plus Finlay enjoys the doing it and it gives Deb & Finlay experience with more classes and lots of different judges. We also feel it is nice to spread the Tibetan Spaniel love around because possibly some of these judges rarely get to see a Tibbie.

Now, I haven't got the slightest idea how to judge a dog, although everyone is a ringside judge from time to time! But there is the breed standard part of judging and then there is the personal preference part of judging. Even if you have a ring full of dogs with 10 out of 10 for breed standard/type, there will be a dog in the ring that "speaks" to the judge in some way, stands out and says "pick me". I totally get that, but we had the best example of two different judging experiences on the same day at Crystal Palace. The following is just an observation, nothing aimed at the judging at all, just two different judges, two different opinions.....

In the breed, we entered Finlay into the Post Graduate class and he came 3rd out of 3 dogs entered. No problem with that, Finlay and Deb didn't seem to do anything 'wrong', Finlay was his usual effervescent self and wagged his way through the whole affair. But clearly, the type of Tibetan Spaniel that Finlay is didn't do it for that judge. Certainly he was the larger of the 3 dogs there, but not overtly so. Then Finlay & Deb went on to do a Stakes class, and what a result it was.

There were about 23 dogs in the AV Yearling Stakes class, all shapes and sizes from Afghan Hound, German Shepherd, Tibetan Terrier, Lhasa Apso, name it. The initial aim for Deb is to get shortlisted, so having done his thing, the judge pulled out about 10 dogs for his shortlist and we were in it, hooray. At that point, we would have been happy enough to be considered in the top 'half' of the draw. But we continued. The judge got the dogs to move again and then further shortlisted down to his final 5. There was a bit of confusion because the final five thought he was doing the placings but no, the judge pointed out he was just making up his final placings. Deb was stood at the front of the queue and he looked at the dogs again, and did re-order them slightly but at the end Deb and Finlay remained in 1st place. We were just so surprised and overjoyed. In just over a year of showing Finlay this is his best placing in a Stakes class, and such a large class at that. He even won himself £10 into the bargain.

But what a contrast, as I said two different judges and two different views of Finlay. Not entirely a fair comparison, because one class was all Tibbies, the other was AV, so not comparing eggs with eggs. There were some great looking dogs in that Stakes class too. 

For me, the moral of the story is enter the classes and have fun and gain the experience. Don't not enter because you think you won't win, because you just never know. I take photos and video of Finlay at shows, and Deb watches these back and often sees things she'd like to improve. For instance Finlay doesn't always walk with his head up, partly this is due to many good smells on the ground, but partly it is due to training. Deb doesn't like "stringing" Finlay up on his lead though.....but on some days he does walk with his head up. So there is always something to work on, just like any competition. 

Then as I said before there is the social side, you get to meet up with like-minded people and put the world to rights over a cup of tea! We met a fellow exhibitor on Saturday who, although we knew each other, we've never properly it is nice to make new friends too. Finlay made friends too, Tia was apparently a very good looking Tibetan Spaniel!

Here is Deb and Finlay in their final AV Yearling Stakes line up:
AV Yearling Stakes - winners!

Finlay's new girlfriend Tia, isn't she gorgeous!

I'm posing mum!
Keeping warm under her blanket

Another couple of shots I took on Saturday, I've realised I do rather enjoy dog photography. These two little monkeys were very difficult to photograph because they wouldn't keep still. But did OK in the end I think:
Looking a bit regal here....

Butter wouldn't melt.....

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24 October 2020

The headline is, we went to a dog show! The real stars are Southampton and District Canine Society, the masses of planning that must have go...